Monday, December 10, 2007

Finding Link between Emotional Intelligence and Emotions

For long, man had a common perception that emotions have nothing to do with success. On extremes, many believed that they do not only interact negatively with our decision-making but may also cause us to fail.

There are various intelligence types that human has. And lack of one doesn’t actually imply failure in the general picture of life. Some are naturally endowed with higher I.Q. scores that make them in the advantage of having larger storage for information. Other people, on the other hand, have the special ability to truly discern themselves. This is what they call intrapersonal intelligence.

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Sunday, December 9, 2007


Almost all office mission statements nowadays emphasize the need for superior creative faculties to mold the workplace into near perfection. All human resources departments include creativity in their list of qualifications for hiring, even though the term ‘creativity’ is actually very vague, when we really dig deep into the matter. True, creativity is an all too encompassing, general and abstract term that it is difficult to define in a universal sense. It can only be more directly identified when placed against a specific concept, like advertising creativity or painting creativity.

However, despite all the attention given to this idea over the centuries, little is know about the daily innovative movements that have happened through the years. What caused them exactly? Where did the novel and breakthrough ideas spring from? What traits did the person who crafted them have in order to come up with such? what kind of environment supports this kind of innovative and imaginative thinking? How can it be born or stimulated?


Saturday, December 8, 2007

Twice as Fun: The Two Types of Communication Skills

Communication is one of the most fundamental assets of humans. In fact, when you think about it, communication is not just a skill, it is a need. This is the reason why among God’s punishments in the Bible, the curse of the tower of Babel is considered one of the most destructive.

Some studies have shown that the need for communication comes inherently in every human being. However, the same studies have shown that communication skills are actually nurtured by a person’s environment.

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Friday, December 7, 2007

Anger Management Books Teach You the Signs of Anger

Every anger management book teaches you several things that would be helpful in managing your anger as well as handling it well. On this article, we would focus on one aspect that is given to people who are trying to learn how to manage their anger with the help of anger management books. That is, knowing signs of anger.

Identifying the signs of anger gives you a lot of advantages. One is an open consciousness that you are getting angry. Two is, knowing when to control your anger once you have identified that it is getting into your system. Three is keeping you from feeling any regret once you were taken over by your anger… and many more.

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Different Elements of Business Goal Setting

What does it mean when businessmen talk about "the big picture"? People hear this phrase all the time, and yet some still do not know what it means. Well, in business, the "big picture" refers to the long-range plans of a company. In business, goal setting is very important. An entrepreneur needs to know exactly where he or she intends to take a business.

Business goal setting is very important because it forms the framework for all of a company’s future activities. Every activity of the company must be directed towards the accomplishment of the business goal. Business goal setting helps a company gain a better perspective regarding what to do and when to do it. Business goal setting helps a company make efficient use of its resources by making sure that all efforts made are made towards the accomplishment of the goal.

What are the different elements that people consider in business goal setting?

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Examples of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking works on the basic principles that people are visual and is often motivated by images that they perceive as beneficial. This principle is applied on the four different levels of thoughts namely spiritual, social, material, and mental. Each of these levels varies in their needed degree of positive thinking.

Aspiring for Material Wealth

The aspiration to obtain material wealth demands for a great degree of will power and self-discipline. People who want to gain wealth should try to eliminate all inhibitions that will prevent them from acquiring their desired prosperity.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Intrinsic and Extrinsic Side of Apter Motivation

One of the more famous psychologist whose studies are still quoted today is Michael Apter.

He divided motivation into two aspects. The first is when people are motivated because of the promise of reward when something is accomplished. And the other is motivation because of the activities that are involve in the process.

These two kinds of motivation are called intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

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